Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Redeeming The Hurting

Tonight was perhaps the reason I came to Mars Hill. The night was dominated by worship and communion...and the cross. Okay, this was a pastors conference but as I was saying to my friend, "where do pastor's go to find their own redemption and love." I feel sorry for pastor's. They don't give themselves space to be human. There seems to be this cruel club they all belong to that says they can't be anything less than perfect and a shining example of what it means to be a Christian.

Tonight Rob call them out of this palce and gave them a place to be real, to hurt, to cry. Tonight a group of 2,000 pastors, elders, leaders and volunteers took time and space to remember (and embrace) what it means to restore their own hearts. Some took their place under the cross, many red faced and wet cheeked from the experience. Others took their place under the prayer shawl. Other sat with other elders and received prayer. The scene looked must like a revival only this was a group of pastors and leaders.

I thank my father for a brother like Rob. Some people don't understand him and that is okay, but he know what it means to restore. I like that. I like a person who stands up front and says, "We need to love." This is why I came.

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