Thursday, April 28, 2005

Welcome to the Journey

I may not know you but I already like you.

That may sound strange at first, or even exhilarating, but its true. You see I'm on a journey to discover what it means to be truly alive in this world. And what I am learning right now is that I truly desire to discover what is good around me. I want to look into the eyes of each person I meet and imagine the best of who they are. I want to see what God has designed them for and see that with them. I am learning, sometimes the hard way, that seeing the best in someone is so much more valuable that seeing their worst. As much as it may affect you, I find a sense of selfish-altruism in my desire for it. I like the way I feel when I see something beautiful in you. It reminds me of what I enjoy about life and that my viewpoint is my canvas of life. I want to fill it with something interesting to look at.

I can't take credit for this eyesight. It actually learned it from my son and his incredible ability to make all those around him feel deeply important, good, and special. It makes me love him so much...damn, I get choked just thinking about it. His life makes me ask so many good questions. Why is it so easy for him? Why can he just love so wonderfully? I long for that.

I invite you to join me in conversation about what this means. All feelings, thoughts and expressions welcome. But I do ask that you bring the positive to your thoughts. Let me see what is best in you and what you valuably contribute to this world. I hope to do the same.

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