Thursday, April 28, 2005

About Me

I must first say that I love the opportunity God has given us to figure out this journey of trust. Although its not as simple as I would like its still worth it every day that I wake up. I'm going on my fourteen thousandth day and it still surprises me what each day brings. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. That is a gift to me. I hope that through my discoveries you will walk away with something so much greater than when you arrived.

My life is simple to be honest. I love my Heavenly Father and deeply appreciate the love he has given me. I still look at my wife with awe every time I see her smile, even after ten years of marriage. I have three children that provide me with a glimpse of the purpose of life; love. I love to love them and when they smile at me, I cannot help but know that I am blessed in such profound ways.

I love to work. Not in an obsessive way, but in a contribution sort of way. I love to see how good things can become and work provides an artistic expression of my heart, mind and hands.

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