Sunday, January 29, 2006

Laugh With Me

As I look back on my life, the memories that seemed to stand out to me are when I was laughing. I can remember the moments at family dinners or over a beer with friends where something inside of me just allowed me to laugh. Not just a little laugh at a funny joke, but the kind of laugh that fills your belly. The kind that makes you cry and realize that I was meant to laugh.

This weekend I went to Spokane for a weekend residency for my Master's Program. I met some of the greatest people and found them to be engaging, smart, passionate, and also willing to laugh. I had the best time. At night, we would go to Fast Eddies and have a beer and tell stories, and laugh. I remember walking home last night, the cold biting my face, my cheeks hurting. And I remember thinking to myself, "Thanks God for laughter".

So laugh with me. Lets find the funniest, most hilarious, filled with joy stories that make us laugh together. Isn't that what makes community so special? I think so.

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